Title: Chimera
Type: Unique
Platform: Foundation - Satyrus Meta Art
Edition: 1/1
Minted: 03/07/2024
Exhibition: Automata Exhibition NFTcc in Rome
View NFT artwork here

Title: The Streets of AI
Type: AI Video Art
Platform: TBA
Edition: 1/1
Minted: TBA
Exhibition: TBA
Title: Inside No. 9
Type: AI Video Art
Platform: TBA
Edition: 1/1
Minted: TBA
Exhibition: TBA
Title: Reflective Reverie
Type: Unique
Platform: SkaldaAI (Mainfold)
Edition: 1/1
Minted: 29/08/2023
Exhibition: Skalda
View full collection here
Title: Whispers of Wonder
Type: Unique
Platform: SuperRare
Edition: 1/1
Minted: 18/07/2023
Exhibition: Montage
View full collection here
Title: Whispering Archipelago
Type: Unique
Platform: Foundation
Edition: 1/1
Minted: Series 1: 9/7/2023 Series2: 8/12/2023
View full collection here